• Solution-focused coaching: we help identify and achieve specific goals and find solutions to problems rather than dwelling on the problems themselves.
  • Transformational coaching: we help clients make significant changes in their lives or businesses, often by addressing deeper personal or professional issues.

The cost of coaching varies depending on your specific needs.

A typical coaching engagement can last anywhere from a few months to a year or more, depending on the coach and the client’s goals.

A typical coaching session may involve goal-setting, problem-solving, and action planning, as well as feedback and accountability.

To get the most out of your coaching sessions, be open and honest, set SMART goals, come prepared for each session, and be willing to take action on the advice and guidance you receive.

Coaching is right for you if you are coachable and looking to improve your life or business’s performance. It can also help if you are looking to take your business to the next level or overcome specific challenges you are facing.